Our team of experienced consultants and school leaders can provide reviews of:
” Thank you for both the report and your time last week. It has been extremely valuable for SLT and our middle leaders- the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive! ”
” Thank you again for your time and your insights. From our perspective, the middle leaders have been very positive and some have even said they would like us to do something similar every year! Those who observed with you found it very useful.”
” I just wanted to express my appreciation for the amazing support you have given me recently. Last week was particularly intense and for you to just drop everything and come in on the day of the inspection (travelling a significant distance) was just so thoughtful and supportive. Your comment recently in which you said you would be happy to send your children to XXX was a fantastic compliment and meant a huge amount.”
“Just a quick email to say thank you for your time yesterday with the leadership team and the governors. Really appreciated.”